Christmas holidays

•January 17, 2008 • 2 Comments

Me and Reed and Pat, all jumping in the air at the same time!

Happy new year everyone. This is me with my big brothers Reed and Pat. We are all jumping in the air at the same time, about to land in this really cool pool during our Christmas holidays. Mum made us jump in so many times. She just couldn’t get us all in the air at the same time!

We had a great Christmas at Nanna’s. I got lots of cool presents including a big The Thing from Fantastic Four, a soccer ball on a string and a helicopter. I went swimming in Nanna’s pool on Christmas Day even though it was quite chilly in there! I try not to let that stop me.

On the first day of the year we all drove to a place called Tea Gardens and stayed there for a week. That picture above is taken where we stayed at The Boathouse. It was so cool. The pool was just outside our side door.

The other things we did at Tea Gardens were seeing the pelicans, going for a dolphin cruise (there were hardly any dolphins!) and getting iceceams! Reed, Pat and I played lots of X-box and Pat let me use his PSP, which I love. I can do the skateboarding game.

Now all the holidays are over and Mum and Dad are back doing work again and I am back at Alphabet Academy. Now the year isn’t so new anymore.

Little athletes

•December 18, 2007 • Leave a Comment


This is me ready to go to little As. The A stands for Athletics – that’s when you do running, jumping and throwing and all kids of exercise like that. I started Little As before I broke my arm so I couldn’t go for ages but now I can go again. It is good because Tomby goes with me.I don’t like to do all the exercise – sometimes I just like to watch, but I do like the running race. They shoot a really loud gun and that means you have to run as fast as you can. Mum says I run so fast she can’t even see me. I am just a blur. Last week was our last little As before Christmas and Brian, our coach, gave us lollies at the end. Thanks Brian! We also did fun things like a sack race. Gee it’s hard to jump in a sack!

Computer games

•December 14, 2007 • Leave a Comment

me at the computer

My favourite thing at the moment is playing on the computer. I absolutely LOVE computer games!

I have learnt how to turn on the computer myself, click on Firefox, then use my bookmarks to find my favourite games. There are lots of free games sites on the internet.

One of my favourite ones is the Quickling. It is a fairy game and you have to jump onto lots of different platforms. Eventually you have to find a portal to the human world, but I still haven’t found that portal.

I am learning about letters on the keyboard and how to write my name. Using the keyboard is much easier than a pencil and paper!

Sometimes my Dad makes me get off the computer so he can look up his email. I always tell him, “Dad you don’t have any email today.”

I’d better go play another game of Quickling before I have to get off the computer. Mum prefers me to play soccer outside!

The party begins

•December 6, 2007 • Leave a Comment

Me & Santa

On Tuesday we had our Christmas party at Alphabet Academy. We practiced for the concert all day so by the time all the Mums and Dads came I was too tired and wanted to go home! We all had to sing songs, including You Are My Sunshine, but I did not want to sing. Actually when the other children sang I put my hands over my ears! Then I started crying. So Mum just sat down on the floor with me and we watched the other kids sing.

At last we were allowed to go back outside because Santa was coming. He called my name out and he gave me a new Spiderman! It’s Cyber-Spiderman! He even came with a big spider that you can put on Spiderman’s back! I was happy when I got the present. Lots of the other boys wanted it!

After I ate some marshmellows I went home early with Mum. And that was that for the Christmas party. I just wanted to go home with Mum!

Casting off

•November 16, 2007 • Leave a Comment

Look Mum, two arms

My arm isn’t broken anymore. A few days ago I got my cast off. I had it on for five whole weeks.

Dad took me to the doctor’s and they used this saw thing to take the cast off. It didn’t hurt – it actually tickled. I had lots of sand on my arm underneath. But then they washed my arm so it didn’t smell bad.

My arm is still a bit sore and I’m not using it that much. Last night I was playing computer games (my favourite thing in the whole world at the moment) and it started aching.

But it is good to be able to have a bath or a shower and not to have to wear a plastic bag.

I have even started swimming lessons again. So I have got my cast off just in time for the hot summer. I’d better not break my arm again!

Broken arm, unbroken spirit

•October 18, 2007 • 5 Comments

A broken arm isn’t so bad!

Last week I broke my arm! I was riding my new bike down at the park and my bike tipped over and I fell on my arm. I didn’t cry too much but it did hurt.

Mum and Dad took me straight to the hospital. I had to get a photo of the bones in my arm. A nice lady doctor put bandages around my arm and then a nice lady nurse gave me an iceblock because I had been so good. And then we went home with my arm in a sling.

Two days later I had to have an operation to straighten out my arm. The operation was pretty cool. I had to wear a gown and a funny hat. When I woke up I was a bit sleepy and I had a new cast on that went all the way up my arm. It keeps my arm bent all the time so it can get better. I had a sling for a few days but now I don’t need it.

The cast is okay. I can’t get it wet and I have to wear a plastic bag on my arm when I have a shower!

A few days ago we went back to the doctor and I got a cool blue covering on my cast. It’s the same blue as Spiderman and it makes the cast really hard. Dad says I have to be really careful I don’t knock someone with my cast ’cause that would really hurt them.

Anyway if you’re wondering about what it’s like to have a broken arm I’d say it’s not too bad. I can still do almost everything even though I have to give up my Little Athletics and my swimming lessons for a few weeks. Lucky I can still play computer games!

Travelling north

•September 24, 2007 • Leave a Comment

Playing on the beach at South West Rocks

Last week we went on another little holiday. This time we drove all the way to Queensland where Poppy and Nini live – except Poppy wasn’t there, only Nini.

It was a long drive but I had my DVD player in the car. I watched Transformers. And I got to stop at lots of parks along the way.

We went to the Big Banana. I even actually went inside the Big Banana. But I don’t like eating bananas – only the lolly ones. They had a toboggan there. It was really fun. Dad and I went down the hillside really fast.

Mum and Dad went to a big party with their friend Katrina but I stayed with Nini. It was fun. She let me stay in her bed and the best thing is that they have a TV that goes up and down out of the bottom of their bed. So I could watch Cartoon Network ’til I fell asleep!

It was really warm in Queensland. I played lots of games around the pool with my action figures. I even went for a bit of a swim but it was very, very cold. I jumped in but then I jumped straight back out again!

The next day we went to see my old friend Ruby. She is a girl and she is my friend but she is not my girlfriend. Actually Mummy is my girlfriend.

The most interesting thing about visiting Ruby (and her Mum Kylie and her Dad Sam) was that now Ruby has a little brother! His name is Finn and he is one. He is cool! Actually he is quite cute.

On the way home we went to a place called the Macadamia Castle. They had lots of animals there, including little chickens that you can hold. I wanted to go to MovieWorld but Mum and Dad said it was too expensive. Maybe next time.

We also stopped at a place called South West Rocks and I played on the beach. I wanted to stay all day but we had to drive home. But it’s always good to come home. I can play with all my toys again!

My fourth birthday

•August 21, 2007 • 1 Comment

Blowing out the candles on my Spiderman cake

It was my birthday on the weekend. I am now 4. I used to be three, but not anymore!

This is what happened on my birthday. I got up and Mum and Dad and Reed and Pat gave me presents! The biggest present I got is a new bike. It’s blue and it’s a big bike like big boys ride. It’s very cool. It has a matching drink bottle.

Then before too long all my friends and family came over for a big party. There were so many people!! We had lots of games but I didn’t want to play them all. I wanted to spend some time reading my new Spiderman book!

I had lots friends including Tomby , Mary, Kyle, Luca, Clancy, Ben, Isaac, Charlie, Tallulah and Savannah and Nanna and Aunty Nat came too.

Mostly my friends and me just liked playing in my cubby and climbing trees. I had a birthday cake with a little Spiderman on it.

When my friends went home I opened up all my presents and they were so cool. I got some Spiderman stuff and also Transformers stuff. I also got some Ben 10 and dinosaur stuff!

I had lots of junk to eat and afterwards I fell asleep on the lounge with Mum. Birthday parties are hard work!

Family holiday

•August 16, 2007 • Leave a Comment


We have just been on a family holiday in South Australia. We drove all the way from Sydney, where we live, to Adelaide, and back again. That is a long way!! We stayed at lots of places on the way down and I played in lots of playgrounds when I got sick of the car or when Dad was tired from driving. Mum says we stayed in Canberra (at our friend Nicole’s place); Albury (NSW) and at Pinaroo (SA). Then we went to the coolest place on the beach called Victor Habor (SA).

In Victor Harbor we went out to Granite Island but the best thing is you get there on a tram that’s pulled by a horse! That picture above is of me sitting on Granite Island. I didn’t like everything about Granite Island actually. You had to stay on the paths and not walk on the grass – that was really annoying. But going on the tram was pretty cool. That horse must have been so strong to pull us along. On the way back it started to rain but the horse still had to pull us along.

A whale was visiting Victor Habor when we were there. The man at the whale centre said it was probably a humpback who was going to have a baby. We went to the beach and waited for ages but we couldn’t see any whale. It didn’t matter though ’cause I love playing in the sand.

We got to Adelaide and stayed there for four nights. The place we stayed in was pretty cool. It had a pool and a spa but the pool was too cold to swim in. Mum and I went for plenty of swims in the spa though.

In Adelaide we also went to the Botanic Gardens and the Museum. I loved the museum! It was fantastic! They had a giant squid there and a lion, who was meant to be dead, even though he looked real. But maybe he was real because he kept twitching his tail!

There was a room there where they had lots of interesting things in jars. I could have stayed in that room forever. When you come into the museum there is a huge whale skeleton!

My friend Tom was in Adelaide too. Our Mums and Dads went out one night and Tom and I stayed together. Mary, Tom’s sister, was there too. But she was asleep. Tom’s Nanna looked after us. She was cool. I couldn’t get to sleep but she was still pretty nice to me.

On the way back home we stayed in Broken Hill (NSW). Then we had a really, really long trip home and got there in the middle of the night. Luckily Dad bought me a DVD player in Adelaide that I could play in the car. I watched Spiderman and Stuart Little and also a Transformers cartoon. But after a while I even got bored of watching movies. Mum sat in the back to keep me company and Dad just kept driving and driving and driving.

Mum and Dad say I was pretty good. I didn’t complain too much. Actually I quite like being in the car. It is sometimes interesting looking outside. Most of where we went had no buildings and lots of trees and also animals like cows and horses and even goats.

Mum and Dad say I’m a good traveller.

Finding fun on ice

•July 24, 2007 • 2 Comments

Me at Nemo!

On the weekend we went to see Nemo in Ice! It was really good. There was a scary part with Bruce the shark but I wasn’t frightened.

I went with Mum and Nanna and Aunty Nat and her friend Prema. Prema is funny. She and Aunty Nat are crazy about Nemo and know all the lines.

On the way in I got to buy Crush the turtle. He is so cool. He says “Dude!!”

On the ice they had the ocean as well as the Tank where Nemo was. It was very clever. I also liked the part were Marlin and Dory went inside the whale’s stomach.

I am really into whales at the moment. Did you know the whale in Nemo is a humpback and they don’t have teeth but a baleen, which is like a big, long comb?

There was one part where all the little turtles were doing a dance and I was jumping up and down.

I wish there was Spiderman on ice!!